Introduction :-
Hetu , Linga and Aushadha these are the three Sutras of Ayurveda. The department of Rasa shastra and Bhaishajya kalpana mainly deals with the third Sutra i.e. Aushadha. Various pharmaceutical processes of Herbal and Mineral drugs like Choovna, taila, Ghvita, Chavan Prish,tab,etc. are carried out in this department.
The department is situated on the ground floor of main college building. The total area covered is 374 Out of which Department is situated in 167 and Teaching Pharmacy about 207
Salient features of the department :-
Well qualified and Experienced Faculty Members.
We have spacious museum containing 20 Models and 80 specimens along with 204 Prepared formulations
The Department is divided under three parts as- i) Department, ii) Teaching Pharmacy, iii) Quality Control along with MOU with intitute.
In the Departmental well equipped Laboratory,150 practical of UG students are conducted per year.
In the Teaching Pharmacy we have prepared near about 21 Ayurvedic products as per requirement of the last year.
The Quality Control Laboratory is having various Analytical instruments like Dissolution, Spectro photometer . Routinely we are analyzing Drugs prepared in the Teaching Pharmacy for Quality Assurance.
Visits to the various GMP approved Pharmacies are arranged.
Vision :-
To prepare good quality, standard ayurvedic medicine and develop good quality Rasashastra and Bhaishajyakalpana students.
Mission :-
To follow standard operative procedures and good manufacturing practices with all quality control measures for Aushadh-nirmana and create good knowledgeable student of Rasa shastra and Bhaishjya kalpana.